
How do you Find/Replace Fonts in PowerPoint after you export your Haiku Deck?

If you wish to replace the fonts in your exported Haiku Deck, this can be done quickly and easily. 

  1. First, export/download your Haiku Deck choosing 'editable .pptx' as the file option
  2. Open the .pptx in PowerPoint
  3. Choose one of the text boxes
  4. Click the format menu then choose "Replace Fonts"
  5. Choose the font you wish to replace and its replacement from the dropdown menus in the box that appears
  6. You will need to repeat steps 3-5 a few times as PowerPoint may treat header text boxes differently from sub-header and other text boxes in your exported .pptx file.

A few notes:

1) Not all characters exist in all fonts, so your results will vary based on the font you choose. For example, if you use a "&" symbol in your original Haiku Deck and your new font doesn't support "&," PowerPoint will use a default font for that particular character. 

2) If you used Haiku Deck to create charts and want the chart header to match the new font, you will have to create a new text box using the new font with a solid white background. Then place this new text box over the original headline on the Haiku Deck chart slide.

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