From time to time, users may get an error when trying to open an exported .pptx file in certain configurations of Apple Keynote presentation software. If you get an error, here are some things to try:
- Make sure you're running the latest version of Keynote. Open the App Store on your Mac and check under updates to see if a Keynote update is available.
- If you have access to PowerPoint (or a friend with access to PowerPoint), try opening the file in PowerPoint and re-saving it. Then try opening it again in Keynote. Often times this resolves the problem instantly.
- Try the .pptx file export option in Haiku Deck instead of the editable .pptx file export option. Often times the regular (uneditable) .pptx will open when the editable version doesn't. If you're in a bind, consider this option while we work with you to resolve whatever the issue is with the editable file.
When all else fails, email a copy of the file to so we can troubleshoot. For fastest service, please provide as much information about the error message you're getting in Keynote as well as the actual file. If the file is too big to email, you can also post to Dropbox or Google Drive and send us a link to your file.