Haiku Deck Pro subscribers can add audio narration to their presentations for online playback or for when they export presentations as video files. Though this feature is not yet part of our iOS app, iPad/iPhone users can use the web app to add audio to decks originally created via the iOS apps.
Access audio from within the Haiku Deck web app editor while you're working on a presentation. Look for the microphone control on the left hand side for adding audio narration.
After you click the microphone button on the left, you can choose to record audio directly through the Haiku Deck app or upload an mp3 file that you record separately. Only mp3 files may be uploaded via the upload audio feature. At this time, uploaded audio files and audio recordings are associated with individual slides.
The buttons that allow you to do this are shown in the illustration below.
After you have uploaded or recorded your audio clips, you can playback or delete the audio for your slide using the 'remove' and 'play audio' buttons shown below. These buttons only appear when an audio clip has been recorded for your slide.
When slides have audio recordings attached to them, viewers will see a play icon on the lower left corner of slides when viewing presentations on HaikuDeck.com. To play audio click as shown in the animation below: