
iPhone Remote Issues

Make sure that:

  • Your iPhone and iPad are on the same wifi network, or that they both have bluetooth enabled.
  • You have the latest version of Haiku Deck installed on both devices, by going to the App Store, and checking under the Updates tab.
  • The account you’re signed into on your iPad and iPhone is the same. If you haven’t signed out/back in on either recently, you may want to sign out and sign back in just to make sure you’re in the same account.
  • Your iPhone and iPad are both up to date. To check this, you can go to the Settings app, and choose General – Software Update.
  • If you’re on a public network, such as one in a hotel or conference hall, that you don’t have to agree to any terms and conditions in a web browser before utilizing the connection. To check this easily, just try to go to a website like in your browser on both devices.

If you’re still stuck:

  • Swipe upward from the bottom of the screen, and turn on Airplane Mode on both devices. Then, turn it back off, make sure you’re connected to wifi and/or bluetooth, and try again.
  • Follow the steps in this article on both devices.


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