There are four ways to present your deck using your iPad:
1. Directly from your iPad: This is ideal for sharing a Haiku Deck pitch or portfolio with a small group in an informal setting: At a coffee shop, across a table, on a plane, etc. Bonus: No special equipment needed!
2. Using your iPhone as a remote control. If you’d like to manipulate your deck from your iPhone, you can connect your iPhone to your iPad as a remote with the Haiku Deck app for iPhone.
3. With a projector and a VGA adaptor: If your presentation will be projected to a larger audience, you can connect your iPad directly with a VGA adaptor. (Tip: We recommend always bringing your own, and labeling it with your name!)
4. With AppleTV: If your venue is equipped with AppleTV (or if you have your own), you can project right from your iPad without being tethered by a cord. Click here for details.
To prevent notifications and other iPad popups from interrupting your presentation or causing unnecessary embarrassment, go to your iPad’s Settings app, and turn Do Not Disturb ON. To be on the safe side, also turn the Notification Center OFF.
Entering and Exiting Present Mode
To preview or present your deck from the Main Menu, select your deck, then tap the PLAY button.
Or, from Edit Mode, tap the first slide of your deck, then the PLAY button in the top right corner.
To go back to the Main Menu, pinch with two fingers (or tap the screen, then tap MAIN MENU in the top left corner).
To go back to Edit Mode, double-tap any slide (or tap the screen, then tap the EDIT icon in the top right corner).
Presenting Your Deck
Advancing Slides
To present your work, simply swipe with your finger to advance your slides. You’ll notice a cool scrolling “parallax” effect that makes your presentation look polished.
Viewing Private Notes
If you’ve added talking points or a full script using the private notes feature, simply turn your iPad (or iPhone) to portrait orientation (vertically) to reference your notes as you talk. Your notes will be visible only to you and will not be projected on the screen. It’s like having a personal teleprompter!
If your presentation includes bar charts and pie charts, your data will automatically display dynamically with a sleek animated effect.
Tap for Emphasis
You can tap individual data points in a bar chart or pie chart for emphasis as you talk.
Viewing Image License Information
To view image license details, tap any slide, then tap the logo in the bottom right corner.
After Your Presentation
- If you had set your deck’s privacy to PRIVATE before your talk, consider updating it to PUBLIC or RESTRICTED to get the full value out of the content you’ve created. Making your deck PUBLIC makes your work searchable and allows it to be showcased in our Gallery.
- Take a few minutes to annotate your deck with public notes to recap your main talking points and provide additional details and links that will be useful to your audience (including those who might view your deck on the web without hearing you present it).
- You can also email a link to your deck to your audience members immediately following your talk, or even provide a PDF that includes your public notes as a downloadable or printable handout.
- You can extend your audience by embedding your deck on your blog or website, sharing it with your social networks, and uploading to Slideshare.
- If you’ve created a great Haiku Deck, don’t forget to submit it for inclusion in our Gallery or our Pinterest boards! You can email a link to or tweet it with the hashtag #hdgallery.