
Embedding Haiku Decks in your blog or classroom page

If you have a blog on Blogger, Blogspot, WordPress, Tumblr, etc, or a website, you can put your Haiku Decks right into your pages instead of having to link to them remotely.

To put any Haiku Deck (yours or otherwise) into a blog post (or any other type of html page), you'll need to embed it.

Embedding requires some code so that the web page will know how to display your deck properly - you can kind of think of it like getting the dimensions of a window before you cut a big hole in the wall to put it in.

I've put together the steps you'll want to follow here, and another supplemental Haiku Deck too if you want to learn more about the HTML code itself:

Steps for Embedding: 

Embedding Decks in Your Blog - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Some fun info that's helpful to know about the HTML you're working with:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad


Click here to troubleshoot issues with embedding.

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