At Haiku Deck, we're always working on ways to make sure that any of your content is optimized for search engines (I mean, as long as it's public, obviously). Here are some things you can do with your decks to make them more likely to come up as pertinent search results on the web!
Optimize Your Title
Think of your title like a headline: Concise, compelling, and keyword-rich. You can edit your title anytime from the Main Menu on the iPad, or from the top of the editing window on the web. You can also adjust your deck's title from the Share and Export menus.
Include a Title Slide
To maximize flexibility and discoverability for your deck, be sure to create a cover slide that includes your deck's title and sets context. Depending on the purpose of your deck, you might also want to include your name (or the speaker's name, if you're doing a recap), the event name and date, a hashtag, and so on. Here are a few examples:
Incorporate Keywords into Slide Text
Think of each slide as a unique content asset, using keywords strategically to extend your content value. Remember that you can link to or pin individual slides. (See some examples on our Quotes and Education Quotes Pinterest boards.)
Include a Description
This is effectively your meta description, and it’s the default text that will appear when your deck is shared to social sites like Facebook or LinkedIn.
To add your description, just sign into your account at, head to My Decks, and click the edit button for your deck. (Or, skip those steps if you're already in edit mode for your deck on the web.)
At any time, you can click the Share or Export buttons in the top right corner of the page (square icons with arrows pointing outward). This will pop up a window where you can edit your deck's title, privacy, and categories. You can also add a short description to make your deck more discoverable on the web.
The ability to edit your description is currently unavailable on the iPad, but we're working on adding it!
Use Public Notes
Haiku Deck’s Public Notes feature is the ideal way to add richness, content value, and more keywords to your work without cluttering up your slides. You can include supporting detail, additional information, and even links. They're a great way to integrate more keywords into your content. Read more about adding Notes here.
If you're working on the web, any notes you enter will be 'Public Notes,' or supplemental text for each slide that will show alongside your deck for viewers. If you're working on the iPad, you have the option of Public or Private notes -- make sure you choose Public notes for them to transition to the web, since Private notes only reside on your iOS device(s).
Tip: Be sure to include links to drive traffic back to your blog or website. To add a link, use the full http:// format.
Include a Closing Slide
Even though each Haiku Deck you publish includes your contact info, it's a good idea to include a wrap-up slide to direct readers to more information or highlight ways to connect with you, like this one:
Embed Your Deck on Your Website or Blog
Once you’ve created the ultimate Haiku Deck, don’t forget to amp up its SEO value by embedding it in your blog or website. It’s easy! For an example, take a look at how Haiku Deck Guru Nick Armstrong embedded his WTF Marketing Manifesto in his blog.
Make Sure Your Deck is Public
Any decks that are set to 'private' or 'restricted' won't come up in search engine results. If you choose to work on your decks privately before they're ready to go, don't forget to change their privacy to public when you're done!
Consider Your Audiences
Make sure to include major keywords in your slides, notes, and description while you're working on your deck. Ask yourself what sorts of things people might be searching for that your deck would be a great result for, and then incorporate those hypothetical search terms into your wording. If you think someone looking for "ways to save money on bathroom remodel" would benefit from viewing your deck, for example, come up with a few different ways someone might search for that, and then include those terms within the content in your deck. Changing the wording up will keep your deck from seeming repetitive, while expanding the audience that could find it in a web search.
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