
Add YouTube Video (Pro Subscribers)

We’re pleased to now offer video as a feature for Haiku Deck Pro subscribers. This lets users embed any YouTube video into their presentations for playback online.

Here’s how it works…

First sign in and click the video button shown in the illustration below on the left side navigation. If you’re not a Haiku Deck Pro subscriber, you will be prompted to upgrade. From here you will have two options. The first option is to paste the link to your YouTube video directly in the white box. The second option is to click the ‘search for videos’ button.  (more on that below)

Note that below the box where you can enter your link, you can choose to use the video thumbnail as a background image for your slide. If you wish to use another image for the background of this slide, you can do so by clicking the blue image button in the left-side navigation of the editor (above the purple video button).

If you wish to use our video search, click the ‘search for videos’ button and then enter your video search term to find the perfect video right from within the app!

When you share your deck, slides that have videos will now feature a small triangular ‘play’ button in the lower right corner. Click there to play your video.

Video FAQ:

What formats does this support?

At the moment, Haiku Deck supports YouTube only. We plan to add other services in the future. Email to tell us what you’d like to see!

What happens to my video when I view the presentation on the iPad or iPhone apps?

For now, a link to your video will be placed in the notes field. We plan to add support of this feature to a future release of the iPad and iPhone apps.

When will I be able to add video via the iPad app?

We plan to offer this in the future, but we aren’t ready to provide a date just yet.

What if I want to upload my own video directly?

For now, you have to first upload to YouTube before including in your Haiku Deck.

What happens if my YouTube video is private?

As long as the YouTube link is valid it will appear when clicked.

Will videos show up when I view the presentation on a mobile browser?


Will videos show up when I embed the presentation in a blog post or web site?

Not yet. This feature is coming in the future.

How do I delete a video after I've embedded it in a slide

You an either choose a new video by following the process above or delete the entire slide. More on deleting slides here.


We’d love to hear your feedback on this new feature. Please email us your thoughts!



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