
Removing Image License Footnote and Haiku Deck Information from Exported Slides

The images you find in Haiku Deck are made available for free under the Creative Commons License by millions of photographers from around the world. These photos belong to the photographers who agree to share them with you under certain conditions. One of the conditions of this license is that when you use Creative Commons photos, you are supposed to give credit to the photographer by naming them. 

Haiku Deck automatically embeds this attribution in the online version of each slide. When you download presentations in .pptx or .pdf formats, the app creates a footnote that includes this attribution information. (see image below)


Though this is not something you can modify in the .pdf or .pptx download, it is editable this in the *editable* .pptx download. After you open the editable .pptx, just click on the footnote to modify it.

If you want to get rid of this footnote, without violating the terms fo the photo license, you have a few options:

  1. Instead of showing the deck in PowerPoint format, show it online. Our web playback player has the license information behind the cc logo in the top left corner of the slides, visible only when you mouse-over the cc logo. 
  2. After choosing pptx as the file download option, click on each footnote to cut/paste it to another place in your presentation, like a references slide at the end or the notes field. 
  3. Instead of using the photos from Haiku Deck's image search, upload your own properly licensed photos using the MY PICTURES button. 
  4. Instead of using photos from Haiku Deck's image search, use solid color backgrounds

Remember, the photographers who use the Creative Commons license are sharing their work with you on the condition that you will give them credit when you use their work. Please be respectful of the license terms because it's the right thing to do and because it's the law.  


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